Online Resources
Surviving Mold
A web site supporting the work of one of the principle practicing and experimenting
mold MD's; Dr. Ritchie C. Shoemaker. Includes books written by the MD, and an
online visual test (fee-based) for the presence of toxins in your body
VCS Test
A web site providing a free version (donations requested) of the Visual Contrast Sensitivity
test described above. This estimates the presence of neurotoxins in your body by testing for any
effects on your optic nerve.
Paradigm Change
A web site developed to help mold sufferers; developed by serious and
experienced mold sufferers, including a PhD author (Dr. Lisa Petrison)
Mold Avoidance
A book being written by the above Paradigm Change authors; Available for preview
(a download) via a 'Rabbit Hole' development on the Paradigm Change web site;
Very valuable information for mold sufferers