For the 'Newbie' try to remember

This page is for the person who has recently discovered his/her sensitization to mold.  This entire site has been developed to offer the author's experience and information which might be of use to others who have become  'sensitized'.  Your author also is struggling against this condition of mold sensitization.  I have come to believe that mold  'allergy'  (often equated with mold sensitization)  is correctly considered something different;  a condition in which a physical allergic reaction is caused by a mold encounter.  This reaction can be severe,  known as anaphalaxis?.

This physical reaction is not the same as with mold sensitization,  in which mold biotoxins have found a way to get past one's immune system defense.  Such sensitization commonly occurs via chronic exposure to a single mold type,  accentuated by the mold having developed a position of competitive superiority  (known as amplification)  in a defined interior space  (like a bedroom).

Please try to remember the following: Almost all of us can be successful in abating the effects of mold sensitization.  Almost certainly,  our individual success depends on our individual effort.

There are considerable Resources available,  much of it accessed via the internet.  As of this writing  (1/26/15),  Ritchie Shoemaker MD of Pocomoke Maryland appears to be the clear leader in understanding the interaction of various biotoxins  (which mold produces)  with our immune system.  His web site,  Surviving Mold offers access to his books,  some of his other writings,  and other resources.

An addtional useful web site, Paradigm Change has been created by 2 different persons, one now a PhD.,  who have experienced very serious mold effects over years,  are recovering,  and offer their experiences and other helpful resources.

Mold sensitivity,  sometimes erronerously called mold allergy,  is much less severe in its effects compared to what other mold sufferers have experienced.  The above 2 resources primarily deal with these more severe types of mold illness.  But we can learn much from them.

Internet searches will continue to find newly added material relative to mold sensitization.  There is more useful material there already than we have time to find and read.  Information that can help us in our struggle against mold is there,  if we can but find it.

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